Hi everyone .
Reading through the messages it’s clear that it’s a struggle for lots of us right now .Blinkin heck we are human, it’s January, it’s cold and grey and it’s hard to be totally on the ball all the time .I find fasting difficult right now because I feel so cold . So I adjust and try one meal a day (OMAD) , two meals depending on how I feel .
I honestly think that doing our best to stay as low carb as possible is good enough right now. We are not chomping on junk food , our food choices are healthy . OK that might mean more calories which will slow down weight loss but we are looking at long term improved health,no ??
Margaret , you will see results but everyone has different rates of loss and ‘progress ‘ You don’t say how much weight you want to lose. Generally the greater the weight loss target, the greater the initial loss .BUT it takes time to adjust and the loss is not linear .You will see times when you ‘plateau’ but it doesn’t mean the program is not working .What makes you think you are not in ketosis ?The urine test thingies are notoriously unreliable after a few weeks .
As arcticfox has said , don’t forget to take measurements .Maybe have an item of clothing to use as your guide and see it fitting better, rather than just rely on the numbers on the scale ?
You are making good choices Margaret, enjoying the recipes .That is a victory .Your health is improving , be proud of yourself !
Yes, if it helps to just relax a bit right now as Verano has suggested, that’s ok . SunnyB, just go gently and adjust as best you can during these low spells xx
RubyG, go easy on yourself for now and you will know when it’s the right time to focus more .It’s ok We will be here xx
Elle-Mae , well done on your inspiring menus ! I hope your back pain eases soon and well done for keeping up the exercise despite the difficulties .For anyone else not able to find the motivation, just gentle stretching , a short walk is good enough , it’s ok !!
Wow, RussianRoulade, that is tough and you are very brave .I really feel for you with the endometriosis .A friend of mine suffers with it and really struggles .An emergency blood and iron transfusion is scary . Wishing you a more peaceful time now.
So folks if January has been and continues to be tough, we will soon be in February and inching closer to Spring . Set yourself short term targets if that helps .I see Michael Mosley is starting a 10 day FAST 800 challenge beginning Monday 30th January .I think it is linked to promotion of the new Fast 800 keto recipe book but it might be worth giving it a try as a mini reboot if motivation is waning ?
Just do what feels right , right now !
Take care everyone , and especially those who are not able to check in at the moment xx