Three days in, have lost 7.5 pounds….. Have others found such rapid weight loss? I know the book suggests it would, but I didn’t expect quite so much.

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Three days in, have lost 7.5 pounds….. Have others found such rapid weight loss? I know the book suggests it would, but I didn’t expect quite so much.
Gosh, well done!
My weight loss hasn’t been anything like as rapid – but I haven’t cut down my calories very much.
Hi TenorTubby
yes lots of folk have had that kind of weight loss, and more, in the first few days. It really depends on your lifestyle and how much weight you have to lose as well as your starting weight.
You have got off to a great start though, remember to keep us all informed of how you progress and good luck 🙂
I started last week and pretty much lost a pound a day- have an 8lb loss at end of week 1! Am delighted!
I know it won’t carry on as much as that but a great start and motivating. I actually find I’m enjoying the dinners more than my normal meals!
Hi Cdkent that’s a great first week, well done.
Isn’t it good to discover that healthy food can taste better than the stuff we have had pushed at us for years?
Best of luck for the next 7 weeks and beyond
Thank u!