Blòod sugar victory

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  • posted by orgally

    Did my blood sugar this morning for the first time since starting the diet three and a half weeks and was delighted that it read 3.8.

  • posted by MaggieBath

    Congratulations Orgally, that must be really pleasing. Are you still on meds? If so maybe phone your Diabetic Nurse for advice on scaling them back. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will be along soon to share their experience.

  • posted by orgally

    Hello Maggie, thanks for your response. I’ve never been on meds at all, I had a fasting blood at my doctors which was 7.8 and the next check the doctor didn’t actually tell me the numbers but simply said that the current blood sugars indicated that I would have less side effects from my body’s inability to control sugars. I was unhappy with that answer so I thought I’d better do something about it. I now know how to control this by diet and am keen to continue and with continued good readings will return to the doctor and have him do it.
    I’m hoping that with continued good reading he will also agree that it is under control.

  • posted by MaggieBath

    Sounds like your doctor took the module in Being Cryptic and Failing to Communicate!
    Excellent – will he ask you how you achieved your results? I do hope so.

  • posted by Ellem

    Excellent orgally.

    Haha, that made me laugh Maggie

  • posted by Squidge

    Well done!

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    From reading here . . . it seems there is a common “thread” on many topics feeds . . . most are taking matters into their own hands – not standing for the Doctors either almost knee-jerk reactions then heading for meds. or dissatisfaction with no alternatives/roadblocks to our suggestions. That is sad when we are constantly being directed to “speak with your doctor before/during/after or about . . .”whatever”. Yet when we TRY can be met with disdain.

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