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  • posted by lyn.g

    I am at the end of week 4, and have lost about 5kg, 10cm off my waist and bloods have been good. All of those results happened very quickly and not much has happened for a while. It seems a very common occurrence and as my hubby is doing really well and really needed the diet, I am enjoying his successes with weight, cms, and in particular blood pressure which gave an almost normal reading on the weekend.
    My biggest issue is that I am still experiencing nausea, randomly and on Friday resorted to my pregnant nausea solution of nibbling crackers to relieve it. I am 61 and definitely not pregnant.
    I have been adhering to the 800 calorie diet (some days going under 800) and exercise program, quite strictly and walking most days for about an hour.
    Didn’t want to increase my carbs, but have started having crackers and tomato for lunch , instead of celery carrot hummus and light tuna in springwater. It’s lower in calories, and makes my tummy feel much better.
    Is anyone else feeling nauseous?
    I have been doing the 5:2 diet for some time and haven’t had this and that was with two 500 calorie days each week, so just don’t understand it.
    It comes and goes so it’s not going to put me off continuing and other than when I feel sick, I feel great and so much more in control of myself.
    I’m inspired by all the stories on the forums and very thankful for having found this way to take control, as well as impressed by the way the rest of the household has taken to it, in their own ways. It really is a way of life for everyone. I have three boys. The youngest is very sedentary and computer bound, and has lost 10kg without being too strict with himself. The middle son is very active, playing a number of sports and training many times through the week and working on a 1000 calorie day and 1200 when he trains and is really enjoying the meals and has lost a little weight, but more changed his shape a bit. Th eldest son is a nurse and apart from a couple of social events where he has lapsed from the regimen, has been the most strict with calorie intake of all of us.
    More power to you all.
    As MM says, lapses are no big deal, just don’t let yourself relapse.
    I am really impressed with those who have ‘fallen off the wagon’ and have restarted! Good on you ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Natalie

    Lyn.g I haven’t had nausea but I find I can get very depressed on a low carb diet. People vary. My plan for myself (not that I’ve stuck to it well, so I can’t tell you if it works) is to have more healthy carbs – quinoa and lentils etc not crackers or bread. In the original BSD book there is no carb limit and a lot of recipes include healthy carbs. Many or most people on this forum limit carbs to 50g or less a day but that isn’t compulsory. You could try adding some low GI carbs to your meals and see if that helps.

  • posted by Esnecca

    I’ve had multiple bouts of nausea, some of which lasted a few hours, others dragged on for a week. The last bout was around Christmas and I actually vomited (we had guests over for dinner, so that was fun). I felt much better afterwards and haven’t experienced any nausea since.

    Since I find it almost impossible to eat when I feel like throwing up, I have little food advice to give you. I stuck with mugs of chicken broth dusted with a grating of parmesan because my mom used to make that for me when my tummy was upset as a kid. Also, I found that a tablet of Dramamine helps. It works just as well when you’re stationary as it does when you’re being jostled in a car or boat.

  • posted by lyn.g

    Thanks Esnecca and Natalie for your responses. I have only just seen them. I guess I was expecting to be notified if anyone responded.
    I have persisted with the crackers (Premium 98% fat free) as they are low cal, easy and seem to do the trick and still keeping my carbs around 50 each day, sometimes less.
    This is the start of week 5 and would like to be seeing some more weight loss. Hubby has suggested my one hour morning walk of about 11min/k, is not doing much for me ๐Ÿ™ and should walk less, but add a few sprints, so started that this morning. Hoping it kick starts some more encouraging results. Started at 76k and now at 70.7k with good bloods and 11cm off my waist.
    Feeling pretty good apart from the nausea, which is often worsened when I take my daily glucosamine, fish oil and multivitamin tabs. They are quite large tabs and had during my breakfast today instead of after and that seems to have worked better. Weekday breakfast is tbspn rolled oats, berries, tbspn greek yoghurt, tspn honey and a tspn chia seeds.
    The exercises seem to be getting easier to accomplish and my boys are definitely doing really well and it can only be good for them. Very little in the way of crap food, finding it’s way into our house. My husband has lost his belly, is standing straight and his back is much improved, without drugs, and his blood pressure has improved heaps. He’s aiming at getting under 100k, started on about 113k and he is very close.

    Lets keep at it and reap the healthy rewards ๐Ÿ™‚

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