Another side benefit

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  • posted by Timmy

    I’ve got a heart monitor on my iPhone which measures your pulse, I’ve had it for years, and periodically measure it to see what my resting pulse rate is. I haven’t measured for a while so thought I would measure just now.

    I was shocked by the reading. A pulse of 50 bpm!!! It hasn’t been that low since the peak of my triathlon training 2/3 years back.

    I haven’t taken my BP yet to see if there is a correlation, but will do that next time I’m at the doctors, or when I get my 40 Y.O. health check.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    I’ve noticed this too, every now and then it strays below 50 into trained athlete territory as well. I’ve even taken to doing the measurement standing up sometimes rather than a true resting heart rate to get more ‘normal’ looking values.

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