You’re all so lovely thank you!
JGwen, thank you for your advice – it’s always helpful to have some interesting science behind the thinking. I have actually dabbled with fasting for 24 hours occasionally but at the moment it’s not something I enjoy, I still get very headachy and feel awful when fasting at the moment but it’s definitely something I’ll keep trying as I do think there are benefits, I agree I’ve probably forgotten what it means to actually be hungry and actually eat for need rather than pleasure.
Sunshinegirl thank you so much for your thoughts last night and your advice today, I think it’s so hard sometimes to admit that this is actually hard! Your words were very kind! I think you’ve probably got a point about letting go a bit occasionally, we’re actually meeting up for pizza on Sunday which has been planned for ages. If it was just my mum and dad I’d probably make something separate and low carb for myself but my sister is coming and she is mega evangelical about all this and weight loss etc. And all about being happy in your own skin and that not being tied to weight etc. So to be honest it’s easier to just not have the conversation so I will have a couple slices but I’ll just write off that meal and start again straight away. To be honest pizza isn’t my favourite so I won’t overindulge – we’re ordering pizza because it’s the easiest thing to do and still stick with social distancing, no cross contamination, no prepping three households food separately in my minute kitchen. And well done on the extended fasting, you’re doing really great especially when even a week ago you were in a very different routine and had concerns about your sugars etc. Well done you!
Hopeful, you were also very kind and had some good advice, I have trouble focusing on me and myself as I’m so inured to helping everyone else first but I shall try and focus on the bigger picture! I think a problem I have is that my goals at the moment are quite large and overwhelming – like my initial goal was “fit in my wedding dress” which sounds really shallow but it was tangible and I could picture it, but the long term goals are things like “don’t develop diabetes” and “be healthy for my (currently) non existent children” which all just feels a bit abstract to me but absolutely you’ve got the right idea!
EC so sorry to hear about your health problems and the potential long term treatments, that must be very frightening and you’re doing so well to keep motivated despite that. Hope you can continue to face things head on but of course we’re here to support you if you need it! What an interesting idea with the nuts, I would never have thought to do them in the microwave! Shall certainly try that!!
Omni and Quetzal welcome back!!
Wendy it’s strange with the stodge, I can’t really describe it – even in the wider context of carbs I’ve always preferred them on the stodgy side – undercooked pastry, puddingy Yorkshire puddings, overcooked rice! I’m a weird fish, don’t know if it’s just the texture or like you say the satiety or even just the blandness, I hope in time it eases though like you say!! I do try and think of food like you say but it’s very hard to change mindset but I shall continue persevering. You’re right I do understand the physiology (I teach it so I should hope so!) I wonder if that’s why I find it frustrating as it seems sometimes like the science doesn’t apply to my body!
Goforgoal, I think diet fatigue is definitely a thing and I definitely think I’m feeling it but more than that I think it’s coinciding with lockdown fatigue, been working from home for a year now and sick of that and I’m also sick to death of just cooking all the time – I love cooking but I’ve had enough! Much as some of the recipes I make are lovely, and some of them simple, sometimes I’m tired and I just want a cheese toastie or macaroni cheese (with vinegar, my Nan always had malt vinegar on it and I do too, its weird!) or turkey dinosaurs with oven chips and beans!! It’s dumb I know! I think my CFS is also playing up for whatever reason which isn’t helping matters.
It’s so lovely to have a safe space to share all my worries and concerns. It’s been such a horrid time for just everyone, we’ve all had such disappointments and trauma and continuing let downs and it’s all a lot, so I’m very grateful for all of you who take time to support each other despite all the cr*p we are all going through! I’ve been for a long walk today and managed to distract myself from my crashing headache (likely carb withdrawal) and I’m going to bed super early, not been sleeping well so hope to get a decent sleep. I’ve figured I’m just going to do my best this week and next week (with the aforementioned upcoming pizza blip on Sunday accounted for) and then we’re going away for a few days for what should have been our honeymoon so I’ll be as good as I can that week and then just get back on track when I get back.
Thank you all so much
Lauren xx