Countdown to Christmas

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  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello! OK, sorry to mention the “C” word so soon, but a group of us who have been doing a monthly thread have decided to make Christmas the focus of our goals and journey together towards achieving them. Anyone is welcome to join us – the more the merrier!

    I reckon we have 16 weeks till Christmas so there is time for two 8-week stints, if you want to do that. Starting tomorrow, Tuesday 1st September until Monday 26th October, then Tuesday 27th October until Monday 21st December. Or just go at your own pace in whatever way you like between now and just before Christmas.

    So do join us if you’d like – beginners and old timers equally welcome.

    Look forward to counting down to Christmas with you 🙂

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    So my personal goals for the duration of this thread are:

    * to finally achieve my long term target weight of 133lb. I need to lose 9-10lb to get there.
    * to lose a couple of inches from my waist and 2-3 from my tummy.
    * to keep up my recent fitness regime, even when it gets colder and darker (I’m in the UK).
    * to radically cut down my drinking. Have wine most days – worse since lockdown – and this really needs to change.

    I hope that we can help each other achieve our goals between now and Christmas.

    Welcome on board! X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Dreamscometrue,I will join the Countdown to Christmas thread if that’s OK.
    My aims are :
    To reach my goal weight (when I last weighed myself that would be needing to lose 26lb and last few weeks I haven’t stuck to plan very well so I may STILL need to lose that:/ )
    To walk the dog more instead of relying on my husband doing it.I know walking a tiny shih tzu for 30 mins won’t burn any calories but it does me good mentally!
    To try every day to resist eating after 6.30 at night and do at least 15/9 TRE.
    To wear some of the nice little winter skirts I seem to add to my wardrobe every year but which still have tags on!
    It’s great to have a thread with a longer term goal and I’m raring to go,let’s hope I continue to feel like that🙂
    Good luck everyone.Dawn

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello DCT and thank you for setting us up on the countdown to Christmas thread. I am most definitely in and am going to do both 8 week stints starting from tomorrow. This is the perfect time for me to get into gear and stop messing about.. My aim is to get to 138 lbs and get back to a healthy and normal BMI. I am going to pretend that I am starting from scratch. I remember when I first started BSD and the excitement and anticipation I had at the thought of losing weight. I am going to start a new diary from tomorrow and write in it what I eat every day and weigh myself every day. I’ve not been on the scales for a few weeks so tomorrow’s weigh in might be a shock! I will take some measurements for my start day tomorrow, something I’ve never done! I am very excited and feel in the zone to finally achieve my goal. I will re read the BSD book tonight.

    So here is my plan
    * walk at least 5000 steps every day
    * two meals a day 16:8
    * weigh and measure regularly
    * Stick to low carb and 800 calories

    Sixteen weeks is the perfect amount of time to set aside for something so important. What a wonderful feeling it will be to be at goal on 21st December. Best Christmas present EVER! I am so doing this!

    Here’s to us for making this happen.

    Let day 1 commence tomorrow ……………..

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Folks,

    Dr Bikman is running a new online program, which is free for the first month on his Insulin IQ brand. For the first month I will be diving into this to try to find out what else I can do not get baseline insulin levels down.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Thanks DREAMS and Co…Wd love to join the countdown if i may!
    The time feels right! Let the countdown begin! 🍁🦊🍂 x

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone,
    So many names still here (or back again) that I remember!
    I did BSD in 2017 and achieved my goal weight, losing 50lb. Maintained it for nearly two years then a few kilos started to creep back but still ok, everything fit. This year has been sad 🙁
    In March I stopped smoking and then had prolonged lock down and the combination was very bad for my waistline. I am not sure how much I have put on but it must be close to 10 kg, 22lb. I am feeling so uncomfortable and have so few clothes I feel good wearing so this challenge is very timely to me.
    I am week 4 now since re-starting in earnest but it has been very slow going, only 1.6kg in the 4 weeks. I have never lost weight quickly so no real surprise there but it’s certainly slower than I remember from last time.
    Any way, I’m up for the challenge and wish everyone good luck and strong motivation 🙂

  • posted by Waitaminute

    Hi everyone,
    I’m in too😊😊
    DCT wash your mouth out😂😂 I don’t want to think about Christmas yet 🎄🎄🎄
    Mariet, I know how you feel I too did this woe a couple of years ago ..lost 12kgs then got lazy and most of it piled back on..
    If I did it then I can do it again.. my short term goal is to lose 700g to get to 62 kilos within a week and a half because we are going to Uluru/ Ayres Rock for the weekend and I’d like to wear a dress that is a bit tight at the moment.
    Then I’m taking it slow and not weighing myself because the scales lie 😂😂
    By Christmas I’d like to be 61kilos or even less. My aim is eventually to be 58 kgs then I can go into maintenance, I’m not thinking that far ahead of yet tho.. little steps for me😊👍
    Stay safe, happy and healthy 😊🖐️

  • posted by Jennie10

    Hi everyone – I was up nice and early this morning so jumped (kind of) up and went for my early morning walk – 8,000 steps already – woohoo – and a lovely fresh day here. I’m going to work out my targets for the next 3 months and post them later.

    JGwen – I got an email about the Insulin IQ seminar and training (I guess because I bought the book). I’m not on Facebook so couldn’t join in but I’ll be really interested in what you learn. I know there are private organisations who will test your insulin levels that people on forum have recommended. If you’re ever interested I’ll look the names up – can’t remember details right now.

    Good luck everyone
    Jennie xx

    n.b. Just hearing on radio about how people with Type II diabetes are going to be offered weight loss meal plans (shakes etc a la Roy Taylor’s Newcastle diet ) free via their GP practice to try getting them back into remission – linked to Covid-19 risk. It’ll be interesting to hear more.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Oh I would love to join in. I joined July and August threads and to be honest made very little head way. But that was following 10 weeks of strict Fast 800 and i think i was a bit worn out and needed a more relaxed time. I maintained well enough until the last 10 days of august….. travel and birthday….travel caused me more anxiety than I expected and so there were snaxidents and wine consumption, birthday – well some cake and a takeaway had been what i promised myself at the beginning of this so i allowed myself to enjoy it (although I made my own cake and it was sugar and carb free!) I’ve not lost my way just allowed too many calories and “good carbs” in.
    Anyhoo…. Christmas is the new goal…..I can get back into things for 2 x 8 week stints, sounds ideal! Imagine how awesome we can feel by christmas…… so my goals…..hmmmm…..
    – plan 4 weeks at a time of strict Fast 800 with one “easy” week in October for our anniversary but see it through til christmas.
    – Reduce alcohol – none at all in September (Oh wow, is this achievable?! I hope so!) Then moderation on a saturday only after that!
    – get back to significant walking regime and keep it up as we get darker nights an colder weather
    – loose 1 stone from todays weigh in….that would take me to a BMI of 24, a healthy weight and a number i never thought i would see…..

    Thanks for the thread…. I need to remember today and signing up to this and keep myself focused!!

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Jennie10,

    I struggled with watching the facebook presentation yesterday, the video kept on locking up and eventually I lost patience. They are apparently going to post the videos on their new website.

    They are offering a range of support groups and videos as a paid for service long term, but if you sign up this month its free for the month. I am going to sign up for the free month and take advantage of as much as possible. Then drop out.

    I know what information I need for the next stage of my journey, but can’t seem to find it at present. – I know that my background level of insulin is still high, which is why after all this time I still have to control carbs tightly. I want to know how to heal that. – I want to know which form of exercises helps your muscles become insulin sensitive the best, weight training, HIIT, – I want to know what research exists for the best way of resetting gut bacteria. – I think this new month long program will give me a chance to ask those questions. So thats what I am going to try to do.

    To be honest, I was a little disappointed by Dr Bikmans book, I had expected it to delve into the science more to answer questions at that level and its more a beginners book.

  • posted by Busybee

    I’d like to join please!
    I started this way of eating in 2016 but have never reached my goal!
    I have been a secret lurker throughout and have watched many of you teach your target and
    go on to maintain your weight loss – if only I could do that?!!!
    My weight goes up and down on a regular basis and I lose weight slowly as I take steroids for PMR. I’m very good at making excuses and need to be honest with myself.
    We are going to a wedding (Covid willing) at the end of November and I would love to lose a stone and a half by then!
    Glad to be back!
    X B

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Great to see some good old friends on the countdown. The time frame we have given ourselves is definitely doable. I have already seen 1lb gone this morning! I am not a fan of scales as they do tend to rule my life but for this thread I am going to be weighing every day just to see the progress I am making. I am writing a daily diary charting my journey and am enjoying the process.

  • posted by caronl

    Hi I would like to join you all too. I shall be logging every day, and want to reach the top of my healthy range by end September. Although I have managed to shed the corona kilos, there is still a way to go….. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    JGwen, where do I find the one month course for Dr Bikman. I have found an Insulin IQ and a page to join (says free during BETA???). Is that it or can you share a link.

    I am happy to do a 16 week stint – get my hair recut in 8 weeks and already booked next appt for a further 8 weeks and that takes me to a few days before Christmas and (hopefully) our trip to the UK. I too remember the excitement of finding this diet and sticking with it totally for 8 weeks. Never quite got back to do a full 8 weeks since but willing to give it a go.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    JGwen, think I have found it – I have logged on to something like that.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi everyone,good to see so many people signing up for this! 👍🏻 Hi CCATHY,BUSYBEE,JGWEN,WINDY,SUNSHINE and all X
    MARIET im like you …lost loads 2016/2017 with support from this forum..have slowly regained Some of it over the last three years,Thankfully not back to square one,but need to reverse the trend before I am! Lockdown has done a lot of damage… many I initially thought it wd be the quiet time when i could accomplish so much,with other pressures off,but no,i slowly turned into a sloth with poor eating habits!🦥🐾🐾
    Had a great start yesterday ,a very positive day of eating properly and keeping moving,doing my meditation, doing my gratitude journal. Today going well so far. The weeks will fly so each day needs to count!Good luck everyone,onwards and downwards!🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁
    PsWAITAMINUTE,good to see you x

  • posted by Logie

    Hi Have just begun 5 weeks ago and hope I can join you all on the journey to Christmas. Have lost 5 kilos so far but plateaued for a week and a half but finding this forum has given me hope as I thought I was doing everything right and then the stop came I am OLD but that has nothing to do with getting my weight down Want to feel healthy and have more energy and stamina

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi LOGIE Youre off to a fantastic start,5 kilos down already 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Thats brilliant!
    I echo yr words..I already lack energy and stamina,due to health probz,but I became so lazy in lockdown,Ive deconditioned even further,need to get heart and lungs working better .. I really want improved health,energy,stamina etc …along with looser clothes! 😄 we can do it!x

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Sunshine-girl, If you go to the InsulinIQ site, and sign up, its currently free. – They are BETA testing the facility and say that after a month of beta testing they will move on to the free or paid for options. – Given the amount of headings to suggest material still needs to be loaded I would be impressed if they complete beta testing in just a month.

  • posted by Jennie10

    DCT – just realised I didn’t say thanks for setting up the thread on my last post – so thankyou. It’s great to see so many of us here.

    JGwen – Thanks to you, too, for the info about InsulinIQ. I’ve also found it and have signed up. Similar to you I’ll do the free month. Yes, I’m at a similar place in that I need to design my own exercise routine (not going to the gym at the moment) and want to know the same as you i.e. which form of exercise will help my muscles become insulin sensitive, as well as looking as some other stuff. I’ve only ever seen MM doing HIIT at fast speed, which I know is not for me, so I’m starting with Ted Naiman’s ideas and will go from there.

    Generally, on the surface I’m doing OK at the moment – just a few pounds to lose to get back to my pre-lockdown weight and my hba1c is still in the normal range (always priority No 1) so that’s great – but I just feel my motivation and discipline has gone – and when that goes down my weight can oh so easily go up. So, back to basics for me, too, for the next 3 months.

    I was going to set my goals today but decided against it. For the next couple of weeks I’m just going to concentrate on getting back into the routine (and discipline ) I had when I first started BSD. Even just doing that will be success for me.

    Really looking forward to reading all of our achievements on here.
    Jennie xx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,I’m still not feeling hungry and am managing to resist going on the scales (if I hadn’t lost weight it may derail me! )I have a migraine starting but it’s probably related to daughter’s first day back at school tomorrow and hoping she’s organised,I’ve done what I can to help but it probably sounds like nagging to a teenager😕Reading the forum throughout the day is definitely helping me stick to Fast800 and TRE🙂Hope everyone having a good day.Dawn

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone! It’s lovely to see so many joining in and I’m already loving the sense of purpose on here. Well done for getting off to a great start.

    I’m been wondering about some kind of weekly “prize” just for a bit of fun. Doesn’t necessarily have to be the biggest loser and it could vary. Maybe one week something that’s made us laugh or cheered us up, or a useful tip, or weirdest food combination. Just something to keep us interested: we could take turns to choose a category and a winner maybe? But if that’s just another of my crazy ideas feel free to completely ignore it 😉

    Not a bad start for me. I feel motivated and mindful of what I’m putting in my body. I have even created a spreadsheet with mini weight loss targets to help me gently on my way to my overall target by December. Here’s hoping! Having been on this WoE since January 2017, I think it’s about time I got to goal and stayed there.

    I’m also keen to keep up the exercise. I did a run today and am trying to get in some long walks as well. I’d started doing a little tummy and waist routine each morning which I’ve got out of the habit of doing, but I’m sure it was helping so need to get back into that habit. My gym membership has also now restarted so I am hoping to get there for a swim sometime soon, though do still feel a bit nervous about how risky that actually is.

    Anyway, keep at it everyone, and here’s hoping for a successful few days for us all X

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone, I’m so excited today because for the first time in several months my work pants fit not just comfortably but a little loosely 🙂 The first sign that four weeks of back to basics is beginning to pay off. It’s great to feel that motivation and delight that I remember from three years ago.
    Thanks JGwen for the information on InsulinIQ, I have also registered and hoping to find out a lot more. I use a ketone blood monitor at work a few times a week and find it so hard to get into even mild ketosis, it makes me wonder about my circulating insulin levels. In Australia, tests for serum insulin are uncommon and my GP is not keen to order it for me so I’ll just keep on keeling on!
    My primary goal just now is to bed down more routine exercise, every day instead of in fits and starts. We are starting to have some lovely spring weather so it’s getting a lot easier to do.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Whilst writing my daily countdown to Christmas diary yesterday I thought it might be a good idea to look back at my weight statistics over the last five years for perspective and comparison. I have scales that record my weight in an app.
    Sept 16 – 175 lb
    Sept 17 – 137 lb
    Sept 18 – 140 lb
    Sept 19 – 151 lb
    Sept 20 – 147 lb

    I think I’ll do it every month just to see the numbers.
    My plan is to be below 138 for Christmas and if possible I will try to go to 133 which I did achieve but couldn’t maintain back in 2017. To be honest, getting to 140 will be a massive achievement as I haven’t been 140 since since March 2019.

    DCT I like your idea of a weekly award for such things as inspiration, achievement, top tip, recipe idea, etc etc. Maybe we could make a list of the categories, pick one each week counting down to Christmas and then the person who chooses the weekly category could pick the winner of the week. To be fair, I think most of us who have signed up for the countdown are more than in the zone at the moment but as the weeks pass by and things get more difficult and the weight doesn’t come off as quickly etc etc then we might appreciate some fun and incentive!

    I got soaked doing my daily 5000 steps yesterday. I will be out later come rain or shine plodding on. Respect to anyone who manage 10,000 a day- that is a lot of walking and sadly my toes are too painful to walk more than 5000 a day.

    Have a good day everyone and keep your eyes on the Christmas prize!

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,day going well so far and I didn’t turn to chocolate after stressful school run this morning🙂I’ve decided to weigh myself fortnightly so that I don’t get disheartened if I haven’t lost any as it can really throw me off track and I’m hoping I will lose SOME in a 2 week period!Hopefully I will feel a difference in my clothes between weigh ins.Going to do it on a Thursday (going to try to hold out til 17th Sept for next weigh in)so that when I weigh myself on Christmas Eve I will hopefully be at goal which will be a nice present to myself,here’s hoping🙂I’ve taken a leaf out of your book DCT and done a chart for myself🙂It’s just a handwritten one to stick on the fridge(I don’t know how to do a spreadsheet) listing weight,waist measurement and BMI at two weekly intervals.Hope everyone is having a good day.Dawn

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Guys,
    I didn’t do a summary of the results from August, so maybe I should include that now.

    I consolidated my belt hole discard. I was still using the same belt hole but it was comfortable rather than a can do.

    I think I am seeing some more changes happen in my legs. – I think I have a batch of additional monitoring standards to add. Socks more comfortable, (ie no red mark from the elastic) gaps at the top of the wellies, jeans do not feel like the thighs are as tight. – Typical, my body does prefer to focus anywhere other than the spare tyre.

    I am stepping off the wagon for a few days. I have a really sore throat, not a chesty cough, it just feels like there is a spot at the back of my throat which is sore and irritated all the time. All the cough medicine and cough sweets which stop me from coughing are full of sugar. So no point in trying to be keto for a few days.

  • posted by caronl

    Hi JGwen, Congratulations on the progress! For your throat you could try gargling with salt water. That is also BSD friendly?! x

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Well done JGWEN! Such a nice feeling isnt it when things get looser! And very encouraging too x
    I too feel like some clothes have loosened a bit,,Ifeel a little lighter and a little more comfy!
    Get well soon JGWEN,hope you feel better soon x 🌸🌻🌸🌻

  • posted by Logie

    Well done J Gwen and Yowzer with your loose clothing !
    I weighed this morning ( decided to do it weekly instead of daily as the plateau was a bit disheartening ) and YES I had moved and discarded a kilo
    Am at the end of my sixth week and am tempted to have a small glass of red wine 🍷 tonight as it’s Friday
    Should I ? Shouldn’t I ?

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Morning everyone

    Just wanted to share my progress so far this week….. you won’t believe this!
    Monday 149.2
    Tuesday 148.2
    Wednesday 147
    Thursday 148
    Friday 149.4

    After five days I am actually heavier than when I started. I am definitely in ketosis and I’ve walked at least 5000 steps a day. On Thursday I did 6,800. This is the reason I don’t like the scales! Yesterday we met up with my sister in law and mother in law. They all tucked into a pub lunch and guess what I had, a Diet Coke! There was absolutely nothing on the menu that was BSD friendly- not even a salad!

    So, I will keep on keeping on and keep weighing every day because even though it is painful and disheartening I know that eventually they will have to show a loss. I might do a Fast tomorrow. I will follow the plan and see what happens…… I am a slow loser but this week’s statistics so far are ridiculous! You have to laugh!

  • posted by Logie

    Exactly the same experience two weeks ago I was heavier than I started and got very down However I decided to just weigh once a week on a Friday and that has worked for me . I have started to lose a little again .I haven’t been out for lunch as I think that is the problem that there are hidden sugars in so many things so it’s just coffee meetings for me at the moment
    Succumbed to a small glass of wine last night to celebrate Friday !
    It was delicious but strangely felt after one small glass I didn’t want any more which is unlike me !, I did include it in my calorie count for the day Keep on going You will get there

  • posted by Yowzer49

    C CATHY wow that was really good behaviour re the lunch out! Respect! Iron willpower!
    don’t lose heart re weight .. if you hang on in,you might ifnd you have a whoooshhhh moment,where you get on the scales and get such a lovely surprise!! A big drop!And dont forget to measure and see what the inches CAN lose inches even if the scales dont want to tell you that!
    LOGIE im glad you enjoyed yr wine and got that craving out of yr system,cant do much harm as long as you don’t hit the bottle! But it sounds like you havent and wont! And after all,why not celebrate that kilo discard in a small way !🍷Cheers!
    DAWN,sounds like you have a good plan in place!
    JGWEN hope youre better
    As for me….struggling coz its the weekend! First countdown weekend tho,hopefully they will improve!Xxx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone. How’s the weekend going so far?

    Was interested to read an interview with Michael Mosley in yesterday’s Daily Mail. He’s going to become a regular Saturday columnist too🙀 But I thought of you JGwen when he said the main way he keeps an eye on his own weight is by using the same belt: when it gets tight it’s time for action! He also said that he wants to look further into the impact of what we eat on our mental health. He reckons that on his programs it’s not just the losing weight that can make people feel better but also something more specific about the actual foods being consumed.

    Talking of feeling better, I hope that you are JGwen?

    Cathy how disappointing! I remember reading on a thread once that someone recommended working on the basis of a weekly average weight to track progress, because we all have daily fluctuations. I like that idea. I also weigh myself every day and it does go up and down. So I may move to the weekly average method, and hopefully begin to see a slow but steady downward trend. Hope you do too.

    Keep going everyone, and I look forward to hearing how you’re getting on X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    I am NOT going to let the scales dictate my mood during my countdown to Christmas weight loss journey and I will face them EVERY morning knowing that I am putting my heart and soul into my weight loss effort but will tot up the weekly loss/gain. It will spur me on if they show a loss and it will spur me on even more when they show a gain because I am DEFINITELY going to do this. It’s 16 weeks to Christmas so if I lose 1lb a week I will be where I want to be even allowing for weeks when I don’t lose. That is totally doable! My weekly weigh in is tomorrow so let’s see if I have lost my first pound! I am going to be pounding the streets again later to get some steps in and I am eating only one one meal today and planning vegan sausages, roasted cauliflower, mushrooms and cabbage for my evening meal. I’ve taken some Fybogel this morning to help with transit and will be drinking plenty of water again today along with some tasty apple cider vinegar! I do actually like it!

    I am not giving up til I get to goal and will tweak the plan as and when necessary to ensure weight loss over the next 16 weeks.

    I am looking forward to reading how your first week has gone on our countdown to Christmas journey together. I will post my weight tomorrow which will be one week since I started again. Have a good day everyone and let’s show those pesky scales who is the BOSS!

    Hope you’re feeling better JGwen.

  • posted by Jennie10

    Hi everyone – it’s a very wet Monday morning here. I went out for a 50 minute walk this morning. The negative is I got very wet, the positive was there were very few people about so lovely and relaxing.

    ADD605 – I agree with you about walking being good for our mental health – I heard someone on the radio over the weekend say Dylan Thomas called it ‘taking his devils for an airing’. Well, I’m not a genius poet so don’t really have devils but walking definitely helps with clearing my mind of anything that might be troubling me.

    I too like to weigh myself daily but I’m trying not to at the moment. I do agree with everyone about the fluctuations in weight being disheartening. I saw a line drawing once of what a weight loss journey looks like – basically a squiggly line going up down and all around – I’ll post it if I can find it. It’s funny but oh so true and recognisable for anyone who has tried to lose weight.

    CC – that is a fantastically determined post – I’m going to take some of your determination and apply it ! My initial target is just to re-establish my original routine – weighing and recording food, testing my bgls, doing 10,000 steps a day, exercising regularly each week and doing 16/8 TRE. I have to be completely honest, I haven’t done it. Each day last week I’ve stopped – started on pretty much all of these things, so not brilliant results. Anyway, I pushed myself to go out this morning, and as ever once I got out I enjoyed it. (Did forget my pedometer so don’t know how many steps – and forgot to test my bgls when I woke up). I was very busy last week and kept accidentally forgetting things. The beginning of this week I’ve got 3 quiet days with nothing urgent to do so I’m going to focus on establishing my routines. That’s going to be my number 1 priority for the week.

    JGwen – hope you’re feeling better – get well soon. xx

    Merry – just to let you know I made the bread (and ate it!) – really enjoyed it, thanks. Saw the news about Melbourne yesterday and was thinking of everyone here – so best wishes to all who are currently in lockdown – wherever you are. xx

    Jennie xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    I love yr post CCATHY ..very motivating! X
    I have to admit my weekend was more like a ‘weak’end
    However,onwards and downwards,its Monday,new week,new opportunity!
    Good luck everyone 💜x
    Remember the words of Nelson Mandela….
    “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone.Day 8 of my Countdown to Christmas and I’ve amazingly stayed on track which I’m sure is largely due to reading and posting on the forum so thank you everyone😀 I could definitely already feel a difference in my coat when I wore it this morning so feeling hopeful!Hope everyone having a good day.Dawn

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hope everyone is keeping the countdown spirit! We have got plenty of time to make a difference and achieve our goal and to reward ourselves with the BEST Christmas present EVER! . I weighed in at 148.2 today so have lost 1 whole pound. Not a great effort to reward ratio but I am happy that it’s one in the bag towards my Christmas present of getting to goal! Had cottage cheese and egg for lunch and went for a walk after lunch. Feeling cold today. Hope to shiver off some fat! Having a quorn fillet with mushrooms and Stilton cheese tonight and I’ll fry some courgettes in butter- delicious!

    Plan for this week- keep strong, keep focused, keep chipping away. I’ll keep up my walking regime. I hope to be 146 next week.

    What is your plan for the week?

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone! Checking in with one week’s results- am pretty disappointed tbh but I have taken heart from your post, CC and will stiffen my resolve.
    I kept to BSD completely throughout the week and have hit 10000 steps 5 out of 7 days so have been feeling good, and a sneaky check yesterday had me on track for a small but satisfying drop but sadly today, for no reason I can discover, I have blipped up not just above yesterday but a pound more than last week. I know it’s a temporary aberration but it still has the power to put a cloud on my day. Oh well. On the other hand, after a month I’ve lost 2.5 inches from my boobs [nowhere else!] so at least something is happening somewhere!
    I’m taking heart from the fact that I have nothing on socially for the next week so there will be no temptations this weekend.
    I hope everyone is in a good place. It really helps to see the messages on my phone and follow other peoples’ journeys as well.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Thank you – glad you enjoyed the bread Jennie10. I posted a recipe for seed crackers on the Positives thread today – they are nice and crunchy.
    I agree with your squiggly line theory 👩 Sometimes there seems no rhyme or reason to the scales – how my clothes are fitting is a better indication – so I won’t let the scales dictate!!

  • posted by WindyJulz

    COnsious that I jumped into the post and promptly didnt contribute….. I had an ok week last week – some spot on days and a couple of….well…. on plan days….i think… but i was quite busy and i didnt log food and that makes me nervous! I did drop 1.5lbs between Monday adn thursday i think…..but going to wait til friday before weighing again….. feeling up beat this week so determined to have a full week on plan and remind myself that it is doable and i do feel great for it.
    I’ve been struggling to get in walking like i used to so thats another plan for the week – did a nice 5.5k walk in the half dark last night with OH and i remember now how much we got from doing that early in lockdown….. need to keep that in mind and keep it up – it is so good for the mental health, our relationship and for food reflection time.
    So thats my wee commitment for the week…..

    Thanks to those who are posting regularly, it is a massive help even if I’m not as engaged as i’d like to be.


  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I too havent really contributed but there is not much to say. Still following the plan and still losing weight slowly but with Christmas in site just 1 lb a week would be great. Had a bit of a shock as ferry company wrote to say they had cancelled the boat we were going out on and would put us on a different crossing. Fears for too big a change as it would mean changing arrangements with sitters, they would have to change hotel booking as they cant stay with us anymore and so on. Turns out they have put us on the same day but in the afternoon so sitting will just arrive here at 8 am instead of 10 am and will have to be whizzed around the house to familiarise themselves. But we do leave them with a 20 page book of instructions that they will have seen beforehand and will be able to refer to if they get stuck. Plus we are only a phone call away. Tout est bien qui fini bien – French for alls well that ends well – lets hope it all does go well.

  • posted by WindyJulz

    Sunshine – your 20 page instruction made me chuckle, If i go away and leave someone in charge or horses they get very specific instructions also. And we only ever really go away for 2 nights max…… but if things are done right then everything works as clockwork…. miss a step and there is chaos. I hvaent reached 20 pages though.
    Glad your plans are still workable tho. 🙂

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Windy, it is a form we fill in with our agent. It is not just what to feed the cats it is also everything about the house, water stop tap, how to use oven, dishwasher, washing machine etc. Also lots about the area, supermarkets, restaurants, local attractions etc. A lot of the pages are wasted space as they are set out with tick boxes i.e. oven – electric/gas/other. But even things like when to put the bins out, how to eparcil the toilet (we have a foss), so much information. It means anyone can come and know where everything is without us having to show them. Up to now we have always hosted the night before with a meal and a get to know you and show them around the house. Our sitters are exchanging care of of cats and house for a free holiday venue. We have a pool and that has a full page of instructions. Plus they are usually here for at least 2 weeks. It works well but of course this time we cannot have them stay overnight with us.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Thanks for the recipe Merry,I will get those ingredients in and give them a go! Dawn

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Howdy folks! wrote this ..
    “I’m been wondering about some kind of weekly “prize” just for a bit of fun. Doesn’t necessarily have to be the biggest loser and it could vary. Maybe one week something that’s made us laugh or cheered us up, or a useful tip, or weirdest food combination. Just something to keep us interested: we could take turns to choose a category and a winner maybe? But if that’s just another of my crazy ideas feel free to completely ignore it 😉”
    MY thoughts…If we go ahead with this,if peeps wd like to do it ( tho am unsure about prizes? They wd just have to be virtual things wdnt they,fun things,like emoji crowns or sthing?) anyway if we do this,I already have my nomination for this week,even tho i know its only Tuesday night! But I am so impressed and so helped by what CLARINET CATHY has said that Ive made a note of it elsewhere to refer to …So yep for me CC gets a vote 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Xx

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Guys,

    I am back and around on the forum, but not back on the wagon I have had a few days where my food intake is measured in bottles of cough mixture and packets of sore throat sweets. – With a nightly measure of my grandmothers cold remedy. Take one cup of tea, put some tea in the saucer, add equal measure of rum to the saucer and drink. Repeat until the cup is empty by which time you don’t give a damn if you have a cold. – You also don’t give a damn on the carb levels of cough mixture and sore throat sweets after a couple of days when that’s the only way of getting any sleep.

    At least with all the restrictions on meeting people I can trace the contact I caught this cold from, it was the grandfather of the guy who has just put a new floor and side wall into my horse trailer for me, saving me lots of money against the price of taking her to an official dealership for the repairs. So I will let him off. I feel like I am back in the land of the living today, but plan to still stick to soup and some fruit today. Yesterday breakfast was blackberries picked from the bushes as I walked around checking on the sheep.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Everyone.well I have ‘fallen off the wagon’ somewhat today eating 2 things definitely not on plan this afternoon and drinking a bottle of frapuccino I went into little supermarket especially to buy whilst waiting to pick my daughter up from school.If I had taken a bottle of water with me from home it wouldn’t have entered my head to get one.It’s only time I’ve eaten off plan in 9 days so I’m not going to get hung up on it and I’m back on plan now.I have to say if I wasn’t posting on the forum I really think it would have snowballed into me stuffing my face with more rubbish which has happened in the past frequently!Hope you all having a good day.Dawn

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Glad youre feeling better JGWEN xxx👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    DAWN,that happens,that random moment where youre in a shop and you succumb to temptation!
    Youve done so well nipping the damage in the bud! Damage limitation is always good!
    Hope you enjoyed what you had and in the longterm it wont do harm,coz this time you DIDNT snowbal..ive done that too,far too many times 🙄🙄
    Well done 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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