You know those bags of coleslaw available in supermarkets? Make your own, store in the fridge in a glass, ceramic or stainless steel container, cover and use as required for a wide variety of dishes.
• Cabbage-red and green
• Celery sticks
• Capsicum
• Carrot
• Daikon Radish
• Any other veg that takes your fancy-should be hard and crunchy!
Use a mandolin to slice all vegies finely-some into slices and some into julienne sticks. Make only as much as you need for three days or so. Then, take some out and add chopped apple or whatever you like to add to make fresh coleslaw. Add dressing of choice.
Add some to lettuce leaves, cucumber, tomato to make your own 'Phyto Bowls' with added protein, nuts and seeds sprinkled over. Cold roast sweet potato cubes are good too. Add dressing of choice.
Fry some mushrooms, add some spring onions, stir in a couple of spoonsful of your versatile coleslaw mix. Even add chopped, pickled zucchinis or other veg you may have. Toss together. Mix one egg with a little water, pour over, cover and cook your vegie pancake. Top with bacon rashers if liked. Yum!!

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