Low Carb grain free soda bread

Recipe by Frog

  • Time needed: 1 hour
  • Calories per serving: 210 calories 10.4g carbs
  • Servings: 6
  • Difficulty: 2
  • Rating: 5.00 based on 2 reviews

Rich and tasty Low carb bread – contains no wheat flour
this is half the original recipe – should make about 6 servings, 220 calories, 10.5g of carb (8g if you leave out the raisins) tastes amazing.
The difficulty will be in sticking to a single serving!


• 1.4 servings sunflower seeds 140g
• 0.3 serving buttermilk 30g (or yogurt)
• 2 tsps stevia
• 1 tbsp coconut flour
• 1 medium egg
• 15 g butter
• 1/4 tsp salt
• 20 g raisins
• 40 g flax seed
• 1 tsp baking powder


pre heat oven to 250c
Grind the sunflower seeds in a food processor
Add the flaxseed, coconut flower, stevia, baking powder and salt
Pulse in the butter
Add the remaining ingredients (except the raisins) and
mix in.
Remove from the food processor and transfer to a bowl.
Knead in the raisins
Form a cob shape and place on a baking tray lined with greased parchment paper or foil
Score a cross in the middle and bake for 30 minutes
Reduce the temperature to 225c and bake for a further 5-10 minutes until the top is golden brown
Cool on a wire rack prior to serving.

4 reviews for “Low Carb grain free soda bread”

  • review by:

    Thank you for posting

  • review by:

    We made this again today at Diabetic cookery class – but with sweetener rather than the raisins
    ( I just spotted an error on the recipe – you should use either sweetener or raisins, not both)

    I’m not sure which sweetener it was, but I used what was supposed to be the equivalent of one teaspoon of sugar, and it tasted fine – so less than stated in the recipe.
    It tasted fine – several other people made the bread today, but used a lot more sweetener; I’m not bragging, but everyone thought my less sweet one tasted best!

  • review by:
    Not rated

    This is a good basic recipe. Didn’t add the raisins, agree with frog above. I found the recipe very wet when combined, so I added 1-2 tablespoons of lentil flour to dry it out, and I dusted the top and bottom with a little lentil flour also. I baked at 225 for 20 minutes, and then at 200 for another 10. Cooled before serving. DELICIOUS!

  • review by:
    Not rated

    What is a serving of sunflower seeds? I’m not familiar with this measurement.

How did you find the recipe?

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