Beetroot & Carrot Salad with Walnuts

Recipe by konradvg

  • Time needed: 15 mins
  • Calories per serving:
  • Servings:
  • Difficulty: 1
  • Rating: 5.00 based on 4 reviews

This is an healthy and delicious salad recipe that is filling, easy to make and can be stored in the fridge for a few days. Both beetroot as well as walnuts are really good for the liver and your liver regulates your blood sugar when you’re not eating so this is a super BSD recipe!


• 2 Raw Beetroots
• 4 Raw Carrots
• 2 tbs Olive Oil
• 2 tsp Vinegar
• 1 tsp Ground Cumin
• Pinch of Salt
• Handful of Crushed Walnuts
• Feta Cheese (optional)


Peel and wash an equal amount of raw beetroots and carrots and grate them into a bowl. I find 2 medium size beetroots and around 4-5 medium size carrots do the job nicely; this makes a good amount so I can store it in the fridge.

Pour the olive oil and vinegar on top. You can use any type of vinegar; Red wine vinegar is very tasty but I have also used Apple cider vinegar - super healthy. Sprinkle the ground cumin over the salad, add salt to taste and top it with the walnuts.

Mix the salad in the bowl and if you're not vegan add some feta cheese - delicious!

Store whatever's left in a tub in the fridge and it will keep for at least 2-3 days so perfect for when you're in a hurry. Enjoy!

7 reviews for “Beetroot & Carrot Salad with Walnuts”

  • review by:

    Delicious! Added a bit of Cos lettuce, very tasty. Thanks for sharing!

  • review by:

    Absolutely lovely. However next time I would make a smaller quantity as I was the only one in the household that it appealed to and I wouldn’t want it day after day. I’ll definitely make it again.

  • review by:

    I spiralised the carrots and beetroot, but only half the quantity – with goats cheese. Yummy and filling.

  • review by:
    Not rated

    Looks good and is so simple to make.

  • review by:
    Not rated

    What are the calories in this, please?

  • review by:
    Not rated

    What are the calories please?

  • review by:

    This is seriously good! I used a nice red wine vinegar and a little balsamic glaze. Also good with a tiny bit of honey. Personally I think adding some crumbled creamy feta or goats cheese elevates it to the sublime, almost decadent.

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