You Tube: Dr David Unwin in conversation with Dr Eric Westman

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  • posted by AnnieW

    Just listened to this (it was uploaded a few hours ago) and it was interesting. 56 minutes long and covering some old ground but was well worth the listen. It confirmed that dr’s are paid, in part, to prescribe drugs. Dr Unwin’s connection was a bit “laggy” but the sound was mostly ok, it was mainly the visual that was affected. I will try and post a link below but if you’re interested look for Dr Eric Westman – Adapt your Life. Unveiling the truth: why you can’t trust your doctor about medication with Dr David Unwin

    Dr Westman’s channel is well worth a look in any case.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Just listened to this podcast and enjoyed it very much. Wish all doctors were like Dr Unwin. I think the sound problem is the lag between the USA and UK.

  • posted by rabellarob

    Really informative. listened and enjoyed without any break.

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