Hello all,
Please can someone advise if there is an outlet for the Lemon Sleep Drink and Protein Shakes in New Zealand? Alternatively, is there anyone in Taranaki that would like to share purchasing bulk lots from Australia?

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Hello all,
Please can someone advise if there is an outlet for the Lemon Sleep Drink and Protein Shakes in New Zealand? Alternatively, is there anyone in Taranaki that would like to share purchasing bulk lots from Australia?
Hi there Ian, I think you are looking for a particular brand Lemon Sleep Tea but if you go into any good supermarket or maybe a pharmacy you will find Lemon Balm Tea which is quite common to help sleep. I grown my own lemon balm plant in summer and make my own tea usually with the balm, mint, ginger. The protein shakes that you want are specific to Mike Mosleys diet but I have never looked for them. I use shakes from Purition which is available in New Zealand online from fishpond.co.nz.
Hope that helps.