Staying Mindful in May despite the Mayhem: one week at a time May 2024

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    Well we are embarking on the month of May and this is a continuing thread which began in the New Year.
    It’s a busy time for many of us but the ongoing support is a great help when we have a few wobbles or tough moments.
    I mention mayhem because it does feel a bit like that at times when we have to navigate life events ! We are thinking long term so if you have a family event or holiday coming up..enjoy it ( within reason 😉) and know that someone will be available here when you get back….on track.

    I am focused on the next few weeks until we go to Greece. Pop in when you can so we can keep the thread alive even though we are not all around at the same time.
    Stay well and be happy !
    Wendy,sunshine girl and Sunny B

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Hello Wendy & thank you for setting up this continuing thread. I will be trying to complete a fast day today after succumbing to a sweet tooth attack yesterday & having a glass of white wine, a piece of dark chocolate & some tinned pineapple in juice! I have four weeks until my Seine cruise weeks holiday so must try to get back on track. I will weigh on Saturday. On we go into May 👍🍀🍀
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Verano

    Thank you for the new thread Wendy!

    Yes you’re right ongoing support is important. I’ll do my best to pop in during the first part of the month. I know we are only on day 2, but May has started well for me. Just had my hair done and pleased that the biotin I’ve been taking seems to be working to strengthen my hair. Had a lovely spinach omelette for lunch and sea bass for dinner. It’s all just so much easier to ‘feel’ healthy and stay in control when the sun is shining!
    Have a good week.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Unfortunately I have gained 1/2 lb & my Seine cruise starts on 30th May with included three course meals 🤔
    I must do much better & stick with low carb eating!!
    May the force be with us 😀
    Margaret x

  • posted by SunnyB

    Have been out of touch for a few weeks now, so thought it a good time to check in. Really like the title of the May thread, Wendy.

    I’m urrently not weighing daily at present, but I am keeping and eye on things. When we left home, I was approx 1.5lb off my target weight and currently I am 6lb off target, so a gain of 4.5lb, but on the upside that seems to be stable.

    Margaret, half a pound is really nothing to be concerned about, as you still have time before 30th to ditch that and more. And if you are concerned about the 3 courses whilst away, perhaps make up your mind now, not to eat everything put in front of you, either skipping courses, or by trying a little of everything but not eating it all. Having said that, it will be an exceptional and limited period and can be compensated for later. We need to be able to enjoy life, so relax and make the most of your trip, even if it includes a little foodie indulgence.

    Will be reading post and will pop in from time to time to stay accountable.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, we are not home yet but thought I would log in so I can ‘subscribe’ and keep up with the thread. We are currently at our daughters and will probably be eating healthier than on the cruise, more about that later. I did get weighed this morning but my daughters scales are always a kilo heavier than ours but it gives me something to help me keep track. We had a pub lunch today and I was very disconcerted at the amount of carbs on my plate that I left most of the food.

    Margaret, I am sure you will get to your goal before the cruise and I will tell you what I do on a cruise to keep within a reasonable limit but still allow myself some enjoyment.

    I will be back home on Monday 13 when I will be looking at getting back on track.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g hope you enjoyed your cruise. Funny thing about carbs is that I can resist them relatively easily now. But, on Sunday I made roast lamb and made the choice to cook a small handful of new potatoes with the meal. I had two and the next day my blood sugar had shot up from a mid 5 average to 6.9.! I was really quite shocked. Anyway it had righted itself by this morning.

    I seem to be in the doldrums at the moment. Not really sure why I’m floundering but it’s back to that I/2 pound down/up/ down scenario. Probably need to juggle my food choices around again. I think I get stuck in a rut almost having the same brunches and dinners again and again. Maybe time for a change to more seasonal foods.

    Hope everyone is having a good week.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone ! Looking forward to hearing about your cruise experience, SG ! Enjoy your time in the UK. Hopefully you will return to brighter weather. It has been a bit wet and gloomy here but due to improve from tomorrow..fingers crossed !

    Yes V. It’s easy to get bored and then the doldrums set in but your choices are pretty healthy .We need sunshine and salad !

    I’m focusing on our upcoming trip to Greece,trying to sort through my summer outfits,selling a few and resisting the temptation to buy!

    Keep on doing your best everyone!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise S-G 👍& thank you cruise eating tips will be helpful😀
    I am pleased to say that I have just weighed & have lost 3lbs in weight. I know a lot of that must be fluid because I have tried to go back low carb & eating less than 900 calories for the last five days. I know that weekends are my real challenge because I relax & have a glass of wine 🙀however I will keep a close eye on my calories & try to increase my exercise until I go on holiday on 30th May. I am also sorting out some summer clothes now & it’s nice that they fit well now but because a lot are linen I have lots of ironing to do!
    I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend in this lovely sunshine at least here in England 🌝
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hiya, love the new thread title! It’s sunny here….just tried to find some Summer clothes that fit….errr…..minimal success……I wonder if I was rash when I got rid of all my bigger clothes a couple of years ago at target? But it felt/ feels like it’s an extra source of encouragement to not go back there….unfortunately I am 2/3 of the way/ weight back there 😳….just a slow slip over time….I know I can rationalise it with stress etc, but, I really do need to urgently lose the weight….!!! Mmmmmm……it would be sensible, right, to really get back on track……all encouragement welcome! xxx

    p.s. one thing that IS going well is I am really upping the exercise, so that’s good 😁…..but that won’t lose the weight!!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Well the warmer weather is a great incentive to tuck into healthy salads, Tulip and start back on the right track. When I got rid of my larger clothes, I allowed myself to keep a very limited number of items one size up, so if I get to the point only those fit me, I know I have to knuckle down and trim off weight and inches.

    I’m sure your exercise will help with toning, so now you just need to refocus and refresh your food approach. All sorts of things can knock us off track, so don’t waste time and energy beating yourself up, just use the tools you now have to do something positive about those extra pounds. We’ll be here to offer support and help keep you accountable, so don’t forget to keep us posted on progress. You’ll soon be getting into those smaller summer clothes.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Have a great holiday, SG 🛳🥳

  • posted by Tulip1

    Hi SunnyB, thank you, that’s great advice 🙂

    Tulip xx

  • posted by 1960smp

    I am late to the new thread for May but do love the appropriate title!
    I am chuffed as my weigh in this morning showed another 2.2kg loss which is remarkable for me. It does create a motivation emotion to keep going and just do what I know to do.
    My goal this week is to cut out bread even gluten free stuff and try the other versions such as like a thin rolled omelette or cloud bread using eggs and cream cheese.. it is just the effort of doing and preparing..
    Looking forward to hearing about your cruise SG, an d if you are presently in the UK, we have had some lovely weather this past week!!
    It seems 2 of my 3 daughters are also embarking on a healthy eating regime so that inspires me a lot, too.
    Have a great week everyone!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Very well done 1960smp for your inspirational weight loss. It really does feel encouraging & motivating to lose some weight & I am also trying hard to keep focused this week eating low carb although I’m going to have to sort out some meal planning for each day.
    Let us all keep going 🤞👍
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, back from my holidays and looking at your postings. Glad some of you are doing so well, the main thing is you are here and sticking with us.

    I won’t talk about the cruise so much, we were a little disappointed as standards seemed to have dropped and corners cut since our last cruise before Covid. We might try a different cruise line next time but not really thinking that far ahead.

    First thing is my weight. I kept an eye on things at my daughters but she eats out at every opportunity. I managed to keep to my cruise gain and not put on any more weight. So I have gained 1.9kgs or 4.25lbs which I am quite happy about. It takes me to 73,9kgs and I want to be just under 72kgs by the end of May so a loss of 2kgs is my goal starting today.

    For anyone who is going on a cruise for the first time I have a few food related tips. First of all you will very quickly become bloated and possibly have swollen feet and ankles. This is due to the amount of salt used in the meals. You can ask for a salt free diet but it is such a faff as you have to pick your meal from the menu the night before and we don’t always know what we will fancy or on a big ship, which restaurant you will be eating in. Just put up with it but make sure you have some comfortable shoes that you can get into even if you swell up. Also, you will put on weight so make sure you have an outfit that will still fit at the end of the cruise, even if you have a weight gain.

    Food will be a big thing on the cruise, it is one of the pleasures of luxury travel and you should enjoy it, realising it is not a long term event and you have looked forward to it and spent a lot of money. If you do want to ‘try’ to be a bit healthy this is what I do. Always have a savoury breakfast or fruit like melon, stay away from the cereals so, as a diabetic, I still want to keep within a reasonable carb level. Next I always say no when the bread comes around, or save it until later in the meal. I ask for a small green salad for my starter if possible. I almost never have a dessert but if you want one, don’t fret over it – as I said above, just enjoy. When I did have an end course I sometimes had a cheese plate or fruit based desert. However, when I had a real dessert I choose something like a mousse or creme brulee rather than sticky toffee pudding or – as was on one menu – treacle sponge and custard.

    All in all accept that you will put on weight and if you have a medical issue you might have to (in my case) increase your meds. Just do what is right for you. Most of all enjoy the experience and worry about diet when you get home and get straight back on plan. Bon voyage.

  • posted by Verano

    Welcome home s-g!

    We have sailed on three different lines over the last two years and all were ‘disappointing’ compared to pre 2020. I just think that most, if not all, lines are trying to recoup their vast loses during their non-operational years. In saying that lots of cruise lines have upped their prices for this year and further on. Maybe there will come a time when ‘pent up travel’ is finished and the prices have to be lowered again but who knows.

    I have to agree with you about eating on a cruise s-g. I never eat three meals a day at home but on a cruise I have yogurt/berries or eggs no bread for breakfast. Lunch is often a burger or prawns with salad, no bread, and dinner, depending on the restaurant, meat and vegetables. If there is a soufflé I try that occasionally!

    We have to ‘live life’ so the odd ‘delights’ on holiday aren’t really a major concern in the grand scheme of things. I’ve always found the 3 or 4 extra cruise pounds disappear really quickly!

  • posted by Tulip1

    Lovely to hear everyone’s news….I am really working hard to get back into the swing of the WOE this week, and already feel less lethargic just from dropping the carbs again (I keep saying to myself, remember how it feels, you feel so much better when you are on plan, but white carbs are so addicitive and tempting it’s easy to get off track, until you are properly in the habit, but this is the tricky bit at the start before the habit’s fully formed, isn’t it, and those pesky gut microbes that crave sweet things are still very numerous 😅😅😅)….so, I’m trying!!
    Love to all xxx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, yes Tulip1 remember that feeling. I tell myself that every time I do some exercise, remember how good I feel. It doesn’t always work but I try my best to keep going.

    Your stomach is your second brain and shares control over things like hormones and those releases of ghrelin telling us we are hungry. It is up to us to give it some good gut microbes which repress the ghrelin. If you starve your gut of the sweet stuff it quickly forgets about its cravings. Watch the glucose goddess on YouTube.

    I have made a good start and already lost 1.5lbs since yesterday – yes, mainly fluid – but enough to spur me on even though it did fancy a drink which is a habit that has crept in on holiday. I resisted and felt better for it. Not yet got back into exercise but did a few reps of arms with weights just to get the muscles going. It is raining constantly right now so not in the mood for doing much except wading through my washing and unpacking.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Welcome back S-G & well done already also losing weight 👏👏
    I hadn’t ever considered swollen ankles & legs because of an increase in salt intake with cruise food 🙀I’m hoping French food might be better on my Seine cruise but it will be interesting finding out. I’m almost back to my pre-Christmas weight & hope that will be so when I weigh myself on Saturday. On the cruise I fully expect to gain weight but I will eat a protein rich breakfast although I don’t usually eat any & before on a river cruise I had a daily omelette. I will also try to have salad as an entree & stick mainly with protein & vegetables & try to choose wise desserts😀but I know that wine will be my downfall as an aperitif & with a meal 🍷🙀
    Keep on going everyone I have two more weighings before my cruise on 30th May 🙂
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Margaret, I hope the French cruise has better food choices but watch out for all the bread, the French love their bread.

  • posted by 1960smp

    Good to have you back SG, sorry you relaised corners have been but on the cruise…I watched a few youtube vids and seems a few lines have done so, for whatever reason but most absolutely praise the Royal Caribbean, which was our 1st cruise years back. Who knows, my hubs cousin (88) just came off a Princess one and was horrified at the change, not only in standards but in passengers….

    Anyway, seems we are all losing some this week so great news!

    Actually, I wanted to mention, not sure if my hormones messing about but this last few weeks I have sort of developed an aversion to some foods….eg/ quiche, eggs and cheese , meat with veg, or full meals and can happily sit with a chunk of cheese and a tangerine…I have even gotten out of planning ahead as when it comes to it I don’t fancy the planned meal, so bizarre YET give me sweets I can lives on them lol…Obv not a good idea.

  • posted by happysnap

    Hi everyone!

    I’m back here again, determined to stay the course and actually lose the weight this time!
    I need to be here to help me stay on track, because in the last while since I’ve stopped checking in (I don’t even know why I stopped- life just happened I suppose!) I’ve gained back most of what I had lost… which is depressing but on the other hand, I’ve done it once and I can do it again.

    I just read “Life in the Fasting lane” by Eve Mayer, Megan Ramos and Jason Fung, and found it super motivational and helpful for IF and longer term fasting, which I want to give another try.

    I have been diagnosed with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, which is most common in women age 30-40 (which I am), and overweight /obese(ditto). Most people who have lost 15% or more of their body weight were able to put the IIH into remission, I’ve learned from my research. I do not want to have to repeat the Lumbar Puncture i’ve just had, and of course I don’t want to lose my vision- so I know what i’ve gotta do…
    And i’m super grateful to all the members on this site for offering support and friendship on this journey. (My GP has unhelpfully referred me for weight management where the advice is to eat- what else? carbs… so I know I am on my own- no support from the GP or any other medical establishment, but I gotta do what I gotta do and I know this is the way to do it)

    So- weight loss- here I come!!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, welcome back happysnap, stay with us to keep on track. Sorry about your diagnosis but look at it as a strong motivator for weight loss. Also sorry your doctor is a dick. Most are, even my Dr Gorgeous who doesn’t believe in my diet. When I had a slight blip up on my HbA1c 6 months ago (only went from 6.0 to 6.3) and I said I was disappointed he told me I am getting older and things are only going to get worse. I was pleased on my next test to be down to 5.9 and weighed in at 2kgs less. So much for me getting old.

    1960smp, I quite often go off some foods and sometimes off all foods – just want something really nice to eat. That for me is something like strawberries – memories of childhood illness and mum buying them for me. Treat yourself kindly and have some nibbles to hand.

    I personally am not feeling great today. Constipated (return to a different diet), queasy, weak and dizzy. I did a BG test and it was very high 179 so that could be the cause of the symptoms but don’t know why it is so high as I only had scrambled eggs for breakfast. Fortunately, I can take it easy until I feel better. Not checking my weight as it might impact on my weekend resolve so I will leave it until my weigh in on Tuesday.

    Just hung out some heavy washing – jeans – and within 5 mins I had to bring them back in as black clouds are coming over. We seem to be having a lot of rain right now. Still waiting to get into the pool – maybe next week.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    I hope you are feeling better now S-G & sorry to hear about your diagnosis happy snap & hope this way of eating will help👍
    I’ve just weighed & Ive lost 1.5 lbs & am pleased that I have finally lost my Christmas weight gain & I am back to having lost two stone. I have a further 1.5 stones to lose now & less than two weeks to lose more weight until my Seine cruise. I’m preparing food for my family coming on Sunday plus making a carrot chocolate birthday cake. I will have courgetti not spaghetti with the bolognese sauce & a favourite side salad of baby spinach, mushroom, avocado & bacon & fruit salad as a pud but the wine & garlic bread will tempt me!
    I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    No let up in the rain and forecast for the next week. Went and bought 30 geraniums to put in pots but it might have to wait until the skys clear.

    1960smp I have just remembered I bought some Purition shakes for those days when I don’t feel like having anything. They are simple and tasty. I have mine with almond milk which is very low in calories.

    No news here as not weighing and hoping I won’t be disappointed on Tuesday. The weekend is nearly over for have a good week.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    We were very lucky with a lovely sunny day here yesterday for my family coming to lunch. The rest of this week includes some showers & I hope the weather will get better next week here & in France 🤞🤞😀🌝 I’m now going to clear up the mess from yesterday with toys still spread all over the conservatory & the dishes & wine glasses that need hand washing!
    I hope everyone has a good week.
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hopefully Margaret you will get some good weather starting from Wednesday should be in the mid 20’s. Although Paris is on the same weather line as London. Just enjoy – are you planning any excursions?

    No news here as I haven’t been weighed today. Daughter said she wasn’t weighing until Friday and I thought she was trying not to keep jumping on and off the scales. Turns out she is in Madrid on business. Funny story, her much loved by all boss is retiring so while there will be several 100 people at the conference she is running she thought it as good time to do his leaving event. Unfortunately, the British customs took her fluffy pink handcuffs off her. She tried to explain that they were for her boss and you can imagine the response she got. She is also carrying a rubber turkey for him to wear on his head (as in Friends) and a milk maids costume – not sure who is wearing that. Nice to have a boss who has inspired people but sad he is leaving.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Here I am for my weekly weigh in. This week I have lost 0.95kgs or exactly 2lbs. Goal of 2kgs is within my reach. I could have done better if I hadn’t had a voddie on Saturday but for me now this is a marathon, not a sprint. Still got just over 2 weeks to lose 1kg which will get me back to my pre-cruise weight. No more slip ups as it is not a long time to be diligent and I have settled back into BDS way of eating.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by happysnap

    Thanks for the supportive messages!
    I will be weighing tomorrow and hope for a good loss!
    I have been sticking to low carb, having lots of bone broth, bulletproof coffee, I cooked some delicious liver which was tastier than I expected, and chicken and greens. Foodwise I am OK, enjoying it all.
    I am trying to increase my fasting hours, started with a minimum of 18 per day, but now I am attempting a 36 hour fast and I’m 20 hours in. So far, so good!

    Will keep checking in here.
    Best of luck to everyone, and hope the weather will brighten soon- we’ve had non stop rain for 2 days now here in London and its rather miserable…

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi happysnap, glad you feel you are getting to grips with the plan. Come back after your weigh in.

    My post yesterday should have said just under (not over) 2 weeks to lose 2lbs or 1kg. Lost 0.05 so now a whole 1kg has gone. Would have got into some exercise today but my tummy is playing up. I put it down the the Purition shakes, although I only have about 2 per week, just when I cant be bothered sorting out something for lunch.

    Lets bring back the phrase – keep on keeping on…

  • posted by Ricci

    I haven’t been on the forums for a while. I think I’ve even used a new user name when I reregistered. I got so much help from everyone on here back then and now rejoining I see some familiar names. Some major life events in the family, not all good, have seen my weight spiral back to over 96k. Back on board with the Fast 800 today. I’m hoping to stay with this WOE despite the challenges ahead. My youngest son is battling cancer and has moved back home with us. He is getting married in September. Its been a stressful few months. I need to be healthy to support him. It hasn’t helped that cooking for him and his fiancee as well as DH and I has changed our WOE. They love their carbs. My husband had T2D but does not do anything about it. Half the time he doesn’t take his tablets and he loves his bread. He is not overweight but his sugars are out of control. I have to be strong for me now. Enough venting. 😊😊

  • posted by SunnyB

    Ricci, welcome back and sorry about all the life challenges you are facing, none of which will make once again address excess kilos any easier.

    All any of us can do is our best, so don’t expect to be able to stick to the WoE 100% and don’t waste energy on beating yourself up on days when things don’t go quite to plan. We’ll be here to offer advice, support, encouragement and to help celebrate when ever you need us.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Ricci I’m sorry to hear about your family’s troubles & know how difficult it is to focus on ourselves when we are worried about our children. So much progress has been made in the treatment of cancer now & I hope your son successfully battles his cancer. A positive frame of mind is important with him feeling that he will succeed whilst looking forward to his wedding in September 🍀🍀🤞🤞
    I’m irritated with myself having gained 0.75 lbs this last week with my holiday starting in five days. I know that I will gain weight with the change of diet & will therefore have to take some looser fitting clothes to return home in. My good news is that my youngest son has succeeded in securing a new permanent role that will allow him to plan better now. I must admit that my year so far has been fairly awful not helped by the weather & I am feeling down again today despite the rare appearance of the sun discovering it is predicted to be raining every day that we are in France tres tres il pleut ☔️☔️🙁
    Oh well I am going out now to sit in the sun for my usual neighbourly Saturday morning coffee gathering to catch up on the village gossip which is always amusing!
    I hope everyone has an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, welcome back Ricci, sorry about your troubles but you know what they say about sharing. You can always count on us.

    Just in the same vein, Wendleg has left me in charge while she is away in Greece. That means setting up the June thread at the end of this coming week. So I am looking for some inspiration – thinking along the lines of June is bursting out all over but we aren’t. See, think I need help.

    My weight has stuck even though it did drop a little it has blipped up again. Not a gain, but no loss. Hoping I can learn from other weekends and not mess things up so I still have a chance of a loss for Tuesday.

    Margaret, depends on when you go to France. We have sunshine and around 24 for the next few days, then around the 7th the rain reappears but that is a while away and anything can happen. Paris is lovely at any time of the year.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • posted by Verano

    Hi! Two thirds of our way through our cruise. Eating with gay abandon but really enjoying!
    June … for me it would be an ‘uplifting’ maybe a ‘Joyous June’. Light in heart and maybe uplifting! Just a thought.
    Anyway hope everyone has had a ‘mindful’ May rather than one full of ‘Mayhem’. Mine, I’m afraid, has been rather ‘mindless’ but enjoyable.
    Home June 2nd so look forward to joining you June 3rd with post cruise ‘weigh-in’ 🫣🫣🫣

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, here for my weekly weigh in and pleased to say I have lost another 1lb so a total of just over 3lbs. Still got until Saturday to get another pound off to reach my goal. Then we are going out for a meal on Saturday.

    Verano, so glad you are enjoying the cruise and the food. I hope France doesn’t let you down. Enjoy and see you on 3rd. Thanks for your suggestions – I like joyous or joyful June. Will set something up on Friday evening.

    Weather is getting better but pool still too cold at 20 degrees. I think it must be that I am getting older but I am not chomping at the bit to get in. Will wait until probably next week when we will be in the mid to high 20’s and the pool is around 24.

    Ricci, how are you getting on.

    Have a great week.

  • posted by Verano

    Well done s-g!

    Glad you like ‘joyful/joyous’. Thinking maybe if we have a ‘happy’ title for the coming month it might just ‘push’ us forward without guilt. If we have the odd ‘food’ that might not fit in 100% so be it.

    We have to live and enjoy!

  • posted by 1960smp

    Well am not sure where May went? But June will be here in a few days!
    Am not putting any weight back on but not losing either but thats down to my drifting and not being mindful…
    Like the suggestion for June title..
    Great news SG on your success, so inspiring..
    Glad your cruise is so good V!

    This past weekend we celebrated 40years marriage!
    Tomorrow we head to Bath for few days.
    Next week I will get back on track….

  • posted by Ricci

    Hi sunshine-girl. Thanks for thinking of me. Still going well. I haven’t slipped up yet.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Looks like Dreamscometrue has also chosen joyous june so I will have to come up with something to make sure we are on the right thread. Still got 3 days to come up with something.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Setting up new thread before anyone else uses the name I have chosen. So we are a few days early – no need to post until Saturday.
    Jumping Joyously into June – new weight loss challenge.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you S-G I will look out for the link & like the name 👍
    I am packed & ready to leave for France tomorrow at 6-10 am to get to Dover by coach for the crossing to Calais & then on to Honfleur to meet our boat for the Seine cruise. The weather is raining tomorrow but looks like it may improve from Friday onwards but still cool so I am going to dress in layers.
    I will post when I’m back in the Uk.
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, Margaret the weather forecast for Paris is rain Friday then no rain for a week with temps around 22 to 24. Hope it stays fine for you.

    Still plodding on with another small loss. Still got 0.4kg to goal. Still got 2 days.

    Keep on keeping on…

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all not much news, still trying to reach goal by tomorrow.

    Don’t forget to go to Jumping Joyously into June starting tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New month, new start, new goals.

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