Hello Everyone,
I started BSD last week 9/4/19. I’ve been keeping it 800 calories or less by using MyFitnessPal. Although Saturday, I cheated a bit and went to 2000 calories or so. I ate pork rinds and bacon. No refined carbs or sugars all day though.
In June I started 16:8 intermittent fasting. I’m 6’5″, 45 years old, and weighed 359 lbs at that point. Doing IF, I went down to 348lbs, but then plateaued through July and most of August. I then read about the BSD and the Newcastle study. Mosley’s book was a joy to read and inspiring.
This morning I weigh 328.4! I’ve not felt truly hungry once for the week. I definitely have cravings for chips, fries, and chocolate, but those seem to be fading a bit. This morning was the best I’ve felt in a long time. I’ve less aches and pains and my head is clearer and my body feels less sluggish.
I’m going to go another week and then reasses before I commit to the full 8 weeks, but so far, so good!
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Hi Lennox, your weight loss is fantastic so well done on your achievement. Don’t understand why you are going to reassess after another week. Surely you can see it is working.
‘This morning was the best I’ve felt in a long time. I’ve less aches and pains and my head is clearer and my body feels less sluggish’.
Just keep doing what you have been doing – minus the 2000 calorie slip up. Your cravings will get less and less as your body and mind get used to not having certain things and you will learn to love other things as you experiment with different foods.
Can I just add that you wont go short of support and encouragement here – we are all working towards the same thing – health and happiness.
Reported Lennox Connor as possible spam.
Merry, have I been had again???? What makes you think he is a spammer. Lennox, if you are genuine give a shout out.
Sorry sunshine girl. He had posted the same post 2 or 3 times and they had web links in them that looked odd, so I asked the tech guy to take a look at them. (The wording in the posts seemed odd too, with the dates not making sense. )
But your positive words will have inspired others😀🌼🌸 -
Ive always been a sucker for a sob story.