Congratulations Sunshine-girl on all of your successes – your weight, your BG levels, your ‘husband-wins’…all such positive news!
I have had a funny week – not as big of losses as I would have liked, especially given I have been 100% compliant, but I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes. I was having a chat with my Mum, who mentioned that she thought that the last time I was this slim was when I was about 15. She meant it as a huge compliment, but it is odd how when you have been quite sensitive about your weight and haven’t really voiced it out loud, something like that has the ability to bring back a lot of unpleasant memories.
I was able to chat with her really honestly about how much of a failure I felt like during my university years and my 20’s and 30’s, always comparing myself with that of friends who seemed to maintain their size 10 bodies with relative ease, whilst there were times that I couldn’t squeeze any longer into Size 14 pants and was having to buy size 16’s. It was frustrating because I would often compare what I was eating to what they were eating, and it didn’t seem like I was really doing anything different to them. So it made me feel like I must be really lazy, or slovenly, and that it was 100% my fault even though I didn’t know why. I tried diets, they failed…must be my fault.
I reckon the worst time came about two years ago. My incredible husbad and I were celebrating our wedding anniversary, and booked into an amazing Greek restaurant that we love. We both know the portions there are very generous, so I didn’t eat for 24 hours before going, and by the time we arrived I was ravenous…. and dressed up, feeling like I looked really nice for a romantic night out. When we arrived the restaurant was packed, and our table just about joined up with the table next to us, with two ladies a bit older than me and an older gentleman on it. Anyway, meals arrive, husband and I having a beautiful evening, and after we have finished eating the lady from the table next to us leans over and says, quite loudly to me ‘Oh my, I can’t believe you ate all of that….I have never seen anybody eat so much food…if I ate that I would literally explode’. And she sat there with a ‘sweet as pie’ face on, in her size 6 dress, looking so smug. I was absolutely HUMILIATED….. I couldn’t believe anyone would be so rude and nosy, but at the same time I just wanted to sink into the ground.
And what I have realised is that if she said that to me now, I would a) Tell her she is unnecessarily rude; and b) Actually not care because I am slim(mer) now and don’t feel like a failure or like I stand out. But back then I definitely didn’t have the confidence to deal with it, nor the understanding that it was NOT my fault. I wasn’t overweight because I was greedy, or slovenly, or ate all day long every single day. I was overweight because I thought I was meant to eat bread at lunch, and rice or pasta at dinner, and given I was also raised eating carbs multiple times every single day I am no doubt insulin resistant and my body was screaming ‘enough’ . I was hungry often because of the insulin spikes, and all I was doing was following what the government tells us is the ‘healthy food pyramid’.
I have a new found empathy for my younger self. If only I knew back then what I know now. I have just finished reading Gary Taubes’ “Why we get fat” and thoroughly enjoyed it. Confirmation that it wasn’t my fault, and that what I am doing now is best for my long term health.
Anyway, so sorry for the rant. This has been on my mind heavily for a few days. I have been strangely emotional over it, so it is good to get it down somewhere.
I hope you all have a lovely Sunday xx