No April Fool, LOW CARBS are cool ! One Month at a Time : April 2024

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  • posted by wendleg

    Happy 31st wedding anniversary, SG.

    For goodness sake…enjoy it,have a drink,whatever if you fancy one ! It’s a day of celebration…don’t deprive yourself! Well done on your loss so far. You won’t spoil anything…have that drink if you want. Food and drink should not be a source of guilt but it’s not always easy I know. You are in control SG 🤗🤗

    It’s tricky here at the moment as I am ” looking after ” my daughter in law’s mum while her bathroom is being renovated. Well she is not really my daughter in law as she is not married to my son ..but same thing. Anyway the mum is staying two weeks and I have to negotiate meals. I am cooking g twice a day and I can’t always manage carb free. I just do my best and can pick up later. I have learnt I have to adjust but it’s a long term thing so it’s ok.
    Love to everyone. Keep doing your best…that’s the main thing xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    A very Happy Anniversary S-G & enjoy your day 🍾💐💐
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Verano

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 🌷🎉🥂☀️ Have a lovely day s-g!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, had a drink and gained 1lb, might have also been the ice cream someone left in our freezer (previous housesitters) and I couldn’t bear to throw it out, just 2 scoops. I know that 1lb will be gone by tomorrow or Friday so not fretting or beating myself up.

    The weather has turned a bit colder but I still have to go out and plant the veggies I bought, they wont plant themselves 🙂

    Things are going to get busy from tomorrow. Shopping in morning, feet in afternoon, Friday hairdresser, Monday nails and cleaner comes, Tuesday sitters arrive so cooking for them. Wednesday we set off for norther France for an overnight. Phew, tired out already.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Hi all
    I’ve slipped off plan over this last week, but have enjoyed some nourishing meals out, along with some wine 🙂
    I have managed some swimming – weather is getting cooler here so I have to try and keep motivated.
    An early dinner for me tonight as I am working this evening – and I hopefully won’t be snacking randomly when I get home. I have a chia pudding and berries that will hit the spot I think.
    You’re schedule sounds hectic SG!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, lost the 1lb I gained and more. I have now lost 10lbs. My goal for Jan to mid April was 12lbs so I am almost there. My goal for this thread was 4/5 lbs and I have reached 3lbs, so not too unhappy.

    Merry, take a lesson from me, even one night of not staying on plan does damage but this diet is so forgiving and I have lost it overnight and more. I can only assume you want to be on plan or you wouldn’t be on here. Set a date, set a goal and go for it.

  • posted by Verano

    Well done s-g!
    I’m convinced the odd day, here and there, of ‘different’ eating does our bodies good. I sometimes wonder if the body says ‘oh no! not yogurt and berries again and I bet it’s going to be salad tonight. Feed me!’ I often find a surprising loss after a ‘day of ‘different’ eating, but not a carb/sugar laden all out binge!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Hello everyone & well done S-G for getting back on track👏👏
    There is not much to report from me except our son has been staying with us who is going through a difficult time still looking for a new contract & is also dealing with the plan of his ex partner to take his seven year old autistic son with her to live in Germany in a few months time & the stressful interim arrangements of his access & care of him. He is using us as a bolt hole to escape from being alone in his flat & to be able to get support from us. Meal arrangements have been rather flexible with me catering for three rather than two so more carbs have crept in as well as the odd glass of wine during the week. I will weigh tomorrow to see how much weight I have gained! I have bought myself some new dresses to wear on my Seine cruise at the end of May which are fairly loose & size 10 & 12 & quite flattering so can manage as I am to look presentable but still want to lose more weight because of my knees. I’m hobbling a bit at the moment with intermittent pain in my right knee & ankle which is unpredictable & irritating & need to get fitter with walking more & doing exercises or I won’t be able to walk far sightseeing whilst in France.
    Let’s all finish April with a weight loss flourish if possible? 🤞🤞
    Margaret xx

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Still there at just under 71kgs. Stops the temptation to start the holiday now with a glass of wine. Don’t say I deserve it, I will deserve it if I can get to Tuesday without breaking the diet (too much). Then it will be a free for all with a meal for sitters and no doubt a couple of glasses. I am cooking a chicken, leek and ham hock pie but I will miss the pastry topping. Guests will have boiled potatoes and I will have either more veg or salad, depending what we have to use up.

    Margaret, the seine cruise should be a great motivator. Looking chic is those dresses in gay Paris. Take care with the walking and your leg and knee problems. Last time we were in Paris I developed Paris calves after the first day i.e. such sore legs I could hardly walk. Really spoiled the holiday but I managed. Pace yourself.

    I might get chance to come back on before we leave, after that we won’t have internet on the cruise – just at ports. Until we arrive at daughters on 4th May. Pretty busy now and my head is spinning trying to make sure we have everything.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you S-G & I will try to become fitter before then with more walking & exercise. Amazingly I have lost 1lb in weight helped I’m sure by the staged eating of veg first followed by protein then carbs. My husband & I have been eating a green salad before lunch & dinner although I have just not done so being the weekend with a glass of red wine & some seeded Mollica nibbles🙀🍷
    Lunch will be ham salad & supper a pesto salmon steak with veg & a little sweet potato.
    I hope your holiday prep goes well & that you will have a wonderful time 👍🤞🤞
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Verano

    Hi S-g have a wonderful cruise, and I’m assuming, stay with your daughter et al as well!
    Life is back to ‘normal’. Thankfully your health is good so now just ENJOY!

  • posted by 1960smp

    Good afternoon, peeps!
    Am still here if only reading emails at moment…
    Hope you had a lovely Anniversary SG! We celebrate 40 years next month and a few days in a city we have not been to before.
    Have a really lovely cruise and relax as much as you can.
    Margaret, I felt for you and the logistics for you son, I hope it all sorts out asap. A cruise on the Seine sounds idyllic!
    Merry! I hope the chia pudding hit the spot…
    We have just booked a family trip for late summer to Poland. It is quite exciting as there will be 7 / 8 of us, and some are needing quite some help with care so wowzers , but am excited to go. Looking at pushing our cruise idea to Winter or early next year. Foodwise, I am all over the place but trying…
    Have a lovely weekend xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you 1960smp for your kind words. We continue to try to support our son but are also worried about our grandson as well & how he will cope with all this disruption to his usual routine & life. All any parent can really do is be there & support their family as best they can!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Hello & I am just checking in to report a 4 oz loss in weight & know it’s not much but I suspect that I am still retaining some carb fluid from hosting friends to lunch on Thursday. Food wise not a helpful weekend with a Gala dinner tonight but I am pleased to not have gained any weight. I’m still needing to lose 2.25lbs to get back to my pre Christmas weight so very slow going since January.
    Let’s keep on going 👍
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon.

    Thought I should just pop in and say ‘hello’ . Can’t believe we are almost at the end of April. So, for me April has been a month of ups and downs. I reached my lowest weight since September ‘22 so that was good. This week has been a bit hit and miss so far but by next Tuesday I hope to re-reach my lowest level since September 22 again.

    Are we carrying on into May? I would like to although fingers, toes and everything else crossed we should be away mid month. This years plans have not gone to plan at all but, not wanting to speak too soon, things are looking good so far for our mid-May plans. If we do carry on how about ‘May Madness’ , ‘Mindful May’, ‘Mayhem’ which is the state I feel I’m in now! Or if really necessary ‘MAYDAY’ ! Really hope we don’t need that one .

    Onwards and upwards or as sunshine-girl always says …. keep on keeping on ……..

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Verano I would also like to carry on into May even though I haven’t been posting much & I still have weight to lose before my holiday at the end of May. I do think that eating in a food order is helpful & my husband and I are now used to eating at least some lettuce first or red peppers before our meal. We are having our Covid booster jab today & it will be interesting to see which version we will be offered this time & how we react which fingers crossed has so far no adverse reactions at all. I realise how lucky we have been in this respect & I don’t know if having had a wide variety of travel jabs in the past whilst living in the Middle East was helpful with this. I think healthy eating & trying to look after ourselves as best we can is also beneficial. My neighbour has just told us about a new NHS service of a general health check called Future Health in a van currently parked in our local Tesco car park & my GP surgery has also reminded me that although not automatically invited being over aged 70 I can request to have a mammogram on my remaining breast. I will try to make appointments with both of them & my husband with Future Health.
    Let us all try to keep on going eating low carb & Ive just lent my BSDiet book to a neighbour who is very overweight & diabetic who has never read it which I hope she will find helpful.
    I hope everyone has a good next week 👍🤞
    Margaret xx

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone! I’m still here and grateful to be back to “normal’, ie back to just the two of us and my usual routine . April wasn’t the best for me as it was hard to stay consistent with our guest but that’s life and we have to adjust at times .

    Yes, I am happy to carry the thread forward into May although I am aware some of us are away.For me that means two weeks from 23rd May until 6th June. Really looking forward to that !

    Have a good week everyone and I will be sure to set up the new May thread on Wedneday xx

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you Wendy & I will be on holiday for one week from Thursday 30th May until 5th June and will be trying to continue to lose weight until then & afterwards.
    Margaret xx

  • posted by Verano

    I’ll be here until the 16th so between us ‘somebody’ should be here during May to pop in and keep the thread alive. Or maybe it would be a good time to have a ‘holiday’ and resume refreshed and renewed in a month or so???

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone. The Internet has gone down in the area, trees down after heavy winds and rain so I will try to set up the new May thread on my phone !

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