Help! How many carbs is too many? And what's the verdict on butternut squash?

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  • posted by MBee

    Hello – I’m on my second day of doing this properly.

    Putting everything though my fitness pal. Was going to have braised broccolli and baked butternut squash with a tahini dressing for supper – but MFP says my cup of baked squash is 22 carbs, bringing my day’s total to 59. Is that too high?

    The rest are from veg and hummus.

    Any advice before I eat it?


  • posted by Janet1973

    From what I have read your carb count is spot on, you can go right down to 20carbs if you really want to but around 60 is good for rapid weight loss. If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic you’d be better looking for a post someone did a couple of weeks ago that gives a really good breakdown.

    Butternut squash is included in other recipes on the 800 and is not as carby as say sweet potatoes or potatoes. Personally I think its disgusting but if you like it, go ahead, knock yourself out!

  • posted by MBee

    Thankyou! Not pre-diabetic or diabetic and hoping to keep it that way. 60 is a good benchmark then? Can’t imagine only consuming 20 – that must be nothing but meat and leaves? Will go and search for the thread you mention. Appreciate your reply!

  • posted by Janet1973

    MBee, I found one of the posts on carb intake and have started a new thread with it. Yes, 20 does seem very low. I read about it in Rose Elliot’s book the vegetarian low carb diet but she only recommends it for a two-week ‘carb cleanse’ before moving up to 60-80 a day.

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