Posting guidelines

Our forums are not pre-moderated and we will make every attempt to let conversation flow. However, we do have some guidelines which are enforced: 
  • No personal attacks
  • No bigoted speech or terms
  • No comments that break the law, including linking to sites that infringe copyright
  • No trolling, goading or misleading
  • No sock puppeting or pretending to be someone you’re not
  • No spamming
  • No advertising or blatant promotion of other sites

The site administrators have the last word in what constitutes a breach of these guidelines. We want this to be a helpful and friendly place – if you see a post that you feel does breach these guidelines, please drop us a note at or use the “report this post” link which is available to logged-in users.

Our full terms of use and our medical disclaimer can be found at You can view our privacy and cookie policy here. These and the guidelines above are subject to change at any time without notice.