How Much Should One Lose Each Week???

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  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Hello Mate (Or is that Aussies):

    Well, 5.8 pounds in first week was shocking and amazing.

    My second week ended today and it was only 3 pounds.

    I am trying to figure out what it was that made such a decrease in the weight loss for the 2nd week. Is it just because of the excess water weight lost only in week one?

    What experiences have you all had on this change of weight loss weekly?

    I would like to shoot for Half a pound to one pound per day on average. Is a pound a day realistic?

    Thanks for your wisdom!

    Live Long And Prosper!!!



  • posted by Izzy

    there may be some who lose 1lb/day but I can’t imagine that being common other than in the first week or so.

    As for how much weight anyone will lose in a week – it differs enormously. Not just from person to person, but from week to week. Everyone has better weeks, slower weeks and static weeks. The trick is not to worry about it – just stick to the plan. If you stick to the plan then you know that whatever loss you have this week is what YOUR body was able to achieve this week.

    I’m at the slow end of the scale – I lost 6 in the first week and since then I mostly lose 1-2lb’s each week. Sometimes lower and sometimes higher. Everyone will have a different result but we can all move forwards at our own pace.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    PS i lost 16 lbs from day 1 – day12 ..then just 1 / 2 lb from then day 21 ( end of week 3 yayyy!) anddueto get weighed on day 24.. I feel as if i may have lost maybe another pound, so i understand that feeling of humph..week 1 was great..why isnt it continuing when i’ m still doing exactly the same!
    I dont know the answer but i believe from what ive read from the BSD old timers that at the end of 8 weeks ( or more if theyve stayed on it) most of them are pretty chuffed by the final result! X
    (And i think guys usually lose faster than us girls)

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    16 pounds in 12 days? Was that on the SyFy Channel?? That is quite amazing! Day 14 I am at 9.6 pounds.

    I can wear all 6 of my Greg Norman golf polos much much easier at the 9 and 18 hole course. Not tight on the shoulders anymore! YAY!

    Why does Week one have the greatest success? All water weight loss I think.

    Usually guys have a much easier time doing this stuff. I think it is a hormone thing us men have no comprehension about. Go figure: A guy confesses that men have the IQ of Forest Gump on these health issues!

    Thanks for your wisdom Izzy and Yowser.

    I really need to cut the dairy out completely, except for the greek yogurt and butter. I use a specialized butter……. Clarified Butter (GHEE for Indian cuisine). Basically it cuts the fat out. I will make a recipe for that later on with directions on how to made full fat butter into clarified butter on your stovetop. I learned a few things from Ayurvedic Doctors.

    My goal would then be set at 1/2 a pound a day then.

    Thanks for your wisdom! And one more thing:

    Live Long And Prosper!


  • posted by Izzy

    fat is good on this plan as it makes you feel fuller for longer ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Yes, Princetonian Stud, Izzy is right – I’ve noticed you are posting that you’re restricting fat.

    Fat isn’t the enemy – we’ve been brainwashed on that score – on BSD you should definitely have full fat everything and also include olive oil as well as butter. Fills you up and is good for you. And it is a Mediterranean inspired lifestyle.

    The only thing to watch is adding too many calories from olive oil dressings for example.

    It’s definitely worked for me to keep carbs low (and of course no bread, rice etc) but fat high. Lots of stuff on Internet about the benefits.


  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    I am not restricted fat; restricting mucus stuffy nose syndrome from butter. Regular moo juice gives very little mucus.

  • posted by Avila

    A lot depends on your starting weight – the less you have to lose the less you lose each week. Someone who is heavier needs more calories in every movement and resting so 800 cal input will mean a bigger gap between their needs and their food and it is the deficit that matters.

    So if my body needs 3000 cal to move and be etc and I only give it 800 then it has to use up 2200 cal from stored fat etc

    A smaller body that needs 2000 cal a day to move and be etc given 800 cal will only use 1200 cal from stored fat.

    1 kg of weight loss in a week needs daily deficit of 1000 calories.

    And that is all before the slight variation in metabolism, exercise, portion sizes and cheat moments….

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Sorry Princetonian Stud if I misunderstood re fat – best wishes for your mucus stuffy nose syndrome!

    Re weight loss each week – Michael says in the book you may lose 10% – 15% of your starting weight. If you space that calculated figure (I should go for the lower %, rather than the higher) over the 8 weeks, then the average per week will be shown. It does go up and down, and plateaux are common when weight doesn’t shift, although measurements might – which is why it’s so important to measure or have target clothes.

    Hope that helps


  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    OMG! I start a question and I get so many people sharing their wisdom! Such wise people (Avila and Igor) in here.

    So, 10 to 15 % loss within the 8 weeks. I missed that when speed reading. LOL Thanks for the follow up. So 35 pounds in 8 weeks would be 4-5 pounds a week. That is what I am at: 3-4 pounds for the 2nd week.

    Have target clothes? That would be my Babolat Tennis Shirts. They are Xl. When I lose the 35 pounds in 8 weeks, then I should be fitting in them again. I have not worn them in 3 years.

    Yes, I play with grace in the Gentleman’s Sport! Be good if I can gracefully run faster on the volley shots.


    Live Long And Prosper!


  • posted by SJay

    After losing 6 lbs in the first week, I have lost 4 pounds exactly in each subsequent week.
    After 9 weeks I have lost 38 lbs.

    I am finding it quite easy to lose weight. I am however, concerned about what happens when I come off the 800 calories a day. How do I find my equilibrium? Any help would be appreciated.

  • posted by caronl

    Hi SJay, Congratulations on the weight discard. There is a thread on here called “After I reach my target what next” (or something similar). I found it very helpful to read through when I reached target. From experience I have to say that maintenance is a lot trickier – but there are quite a few people on here who can offer advice. Best wishes.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hi there SJay

    Congratulations on your 38lb loss!!

    I did the 8 weeks back in summer 2016 and am still fitting in the clothes I had to buy for myself then, 3 years plus later!

    I lost a total of >20 lbs, but I didn’t have a huge target loss. My biggest success in hindsight was to see the spare tyre vanish from round my middle and – as I was often saying here – that wasn’t so much about actual weight loss as body shape change.

    I’ve stayed reasonably close to the same weight as I was then by I suppose a few key focuses:

    1. Knowing how many calories I need:

    I looked myself up on this website
    This lets you type in your weight, your height, and how much exercise you usually do in your daily life.
    That then throws out your base metabolic rate and how many calories you ‘need’ per day.

    You can progress to looking at recommendations (and body fat etc), but you don’t need to. I just found it very interesting to know how much I needed to take in to be healthy.

    2. Being aware of how many calories I’m consuming (and what sort of calories they are – ie sugar/refined stuff)

    Knowing how much you actually ‘need’ in terms of calories is very interesting, especially if you use an app like MyFitnessPal to see how much a meal adds up to. And how much you might add in terms of calories with a sneaky ‘snack’ which none of us regards as really ‘food’.

    And on the diet I got used to having little or no bread, replacing that with more vegetables (beans/pulses if I felt I wanted more ‘bulk’), and avoided refined foods such as rice and pasta. I found chillis a great addition to food and have now become quite an accomplished curry cook ;-). When I do a curry, instead of rice I have roasted aubergines and guests really like that – it goes very well.

    I suppose what it is, is being aware of what you eat. If you have a ‘treat’ doughnut, then it’s great to avoid having a very large supper too.

    3. Trying to have a good long gap between meals

    And the other thing that’s really worked for me is not having breakfast (just 155 calories with two cappuccinos), and starting eating after 12 noon so that I have a very long period between my last meal on one day and my first meal on the next.

    Different things suit different people, I think. But keeping aware of how your clothes fit is sometimes better than weighing (because those kilos do go up and down quite strangely). If your target jeans fit – that pesky waist measurement again – then absolutely fab.

    Good luck. If I can do it, you most certainly can ๐Ÿ™‚

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